Seasonal Forecast March to May 2025




  • Above normal (average) Rainfall with Probability of 55% in isolated areas south of Eastern Equatoria, southeast of Jonglei, Pibor Administrative area and Southeast of Upper Nile state.
  • Normal (average)Rainfall with prob. of 45% in most parts of Eastern equatoria , Jonglei states, northeast of Central Equatoria equatoria and isolated areas in Central Western Equatoria state.
  • Below normal rainfall in South to west of Central equatoria, southeast and northwest of western equatoria , much of Western Bhar el Ghazal, Lakes, Warrap and South of Unity states, South of Northern Bhar el Ghazal, Warrap and Unity States.
  • Climatologically Dry conditions in the far norther parts of the country.


  • Warmer than average (light red colour) Temperatures are predicted across most parts of South Sudan during MAM 2025 Season with highest temperatures expected with Prob.of 85% in Renk County in Northern Upper Nile state.
  • Average Surface Temperatures are expected in southern parts of Easter Equatoria state during the MAM2025 Season.