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Station Detail

Station Name: Yei Crop TC
gid 17
station Yei Crop TC
station alias --
date established 2024-11-27
date closed --
declared reporting status Operational
assessed reporting status Unknown
station type Land (fixed)
wigos station identifier(s) 0-728-0-62943|primary
wmo region Africa
regional wigos center EAC (Kenya & Tanzania)
country South Sudan
elevation 847.82
geopositioning method --
time zone UTC+2
supervising organization South Sudan Meteorological Department
station url --
other link (url) --
site description --
climate zone Equatorial - Savannah - dry summer
predominant surface cover Mosaic cropland (50-70%) / vegetation (grassland/shrubland/forest) (20-50%)(Surface cover types (GlobCover2009))
surface roughness --
topography or bathymetry (unknown) at middle relative elevation within hollows of middle altitude
population in 10km/50km --
programs/network affiliation GBON:Operational, Non-affiliated:Operational
program/network approval status GBON:Approved,Non-affiliated:Approved
last updated date 2025-01-13
last updated by Badreldin Fartak