Weekly forecast 05-12 Mar 2024

  • The forecast indicates Light rainfall is expected in the central to Southern regions of the Country, with dry conditions in the northern regions.
  • Light rain is expected over eastern Equatoria State, most parts of Jonglei State, most parts of western Bhar El Ghazal, Warrap State, western to central parts of western Equatoria state all over parts of Lake State, are likely to experience (01 -10 mm).
  • Dry conditions are expected to continue in all Upper Nile State, most parts of Unity State, northwestern part of western Bhar El Gazal State and northern parts of northern Bhar El Gazal.
  • Moderate rain amount of (30 - 50mm) are expected in southern part of western Equatoria State particularly in Yambio.
  • Probabilities for drier conditions are particularly enhanced more than (70%) As well as the expected amount of rainfall is below 30mm (Figure 1).